Happy Clients
“completed my 300th “
Just completed my 300th lease option installment contract all a mixture of the financial transactions i learnt from rick.
thank you for everything you taught me all the great knowledge you taught me built a 6 figure coaching program from the ground up. I often make reference to your teaching when i provide business coaching to my clients
You’ve been my property idol for 10 years thanks for your helping me retire in comfort this would never have
happened without you.
After 12 months of working with you I doubled my income from 125k to 250k.
Rick has faced triumph and disaster and came out the other side wiser. I have followed Rick Otton teachings for over 20 years and have made lots and lots of money.
I think rick is one of the smartest guys I’ve ever met and I’ve met a lot. Seeing you negotiate live in person is what lit the fire inside of me and it was pure art.
Above is a screenshot of my Flickr account with many written case studies testimonials, and success stories, many of them sent to my phone or posted on Facebook
For those that prefer video, here is where you can find three playlists with a few hundred happy clients on my youtube
Rick's Time Capsules
Since David was only confounding his partner and she didn’t believe it was conceivable, he asked me to explain to her how it is possible to profit from a seller’s house with no money invested. David and I first worked together fifteen years ago so watch what happened!.
I made the decision to visit Steve in Iowa twenty years later to find out how his house-buying business had developed over that time. He only needed a $40,000 to purchase a chocolate shop, with the seller covering the remaining balance. He just rejected $3,000,000 today.
you would like to watch the complete 23 Min interview with Steve, click this link 👉 Watch